Growing up we always dressed up for Halloween. And I don’t mean going to target and getting a cheap-o plastic mask or wig, but full out, handmade by my grandmother, beautiful costumes.
I know some people feel differently but I really don’t see an issue with participating in some of the traditions that come around in the end of October. We will go to the pumpkin patch, put up a few fall decorations, carve a pumpkin, get some special candy, and if Collin wants to he can wear a costume. (Last year, thanks to our friend “Auntie Rachel” Collin was the most adorable frog prince.)
So as much as I wanted to make his costume this year and start it as a tradition, I was just so tired with the pregnancy that I just didn’t have the energy…but I did find the most adorable giraffe costume at Old Navy that I thought Collin would LOVE!
That is what I pictured for his costume this year…adorable, right? Well, I am not sure what the issue was, whether it was too big, too hot, too scary, but let’s just say that Collin was not a fan of the giraffe.
At first I thought maybe he just needed to get used to it, so I took it out of the bag and hung it on the outside of the closet door. I would let him look at it, touch it, and I would ask him, “Collin, where is the giraffe?”
Then I would periodically put it on him, which he hated, but I LOVED it & I REALLY wanted him to wear it so I kept trying. It got to the point where if I even said “Let’s get your giraffe” he would run away screaming.
So instead of the adorable costume model above, I got the crying angry giraffe – not fun & not worth what we spent on it.
After about a month of this I gave up & exchanged it for a cute but boring pumpkin pj’s outfit.
Oh well, better luck next year. However next year he will probably be old enough to pick out his own costume so I am probably just going to have to wait for the next baby to dress up! Fortunately I won’t have to wait very long :)