So yesterday we got Collin’s school pictures back…of course he was cute as always, but he had drooled all over his picture outfit and his teachers obviously didn’t notice that between the time I dropped him off (perfectly picture ready) until it was his turn to have his picture taken that his hair had gone totally crazy & needed some major help! Seriously, my baby looked like he had stuck his finger in an electrical outlet!
Anyways, I thought that we would get proofs to look at and place an order, but they sent us home with a huge package of pictures with only 2 poses that I guess they thought were the best they got. To purchase the package was around $70. You were supposed to take the package home, and then return all the pictures that you didn’t want.
Why would they print that many pictures? Obviously other parents feel the same way I do & are saddened by the thought of their little angel’s pictures being tossed in the trash can…but $70 bucks?? For pictures that aren’t even that good?? Besides, we had his pictures taken in Texas a few weeks before and they turned out fabulous, and I had just placed an order for about $80 worth of pictures from that.
But still, can I really let them throw away the pictures of my baby Collin?How could I not buy any of his school pictures? Even though he is drooling & has super crazy hair, he is still my gorgeous little man! Congratulations Lifetouch Preschool Portraits, you ultimately suckered me into buying some of the pictures (but I mustered up the will power to return about ½ of them – ha!)!!
8 months later...
8 years ago
That is cruel and unusual punishment for a parent! Of course you couldn't say no :-) Collin is so cute!
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