I am always laughing at what comes out of Collin's mouth, and try to document what I can remember (which isn't much, haha!). However, lately Grace has been competing with her brother for the title of family clown! She understands making a joke now, and frequently says the wrong answer to a question just to be silly. She will do anything to make her brother laugh :) Today while driving home from Collin's school we were taking turns playing the "I'm Thinking of an Animal" game where one person thinks of an animal in their mind and the others take turns asking questions to guess what it is.
Grace is very smart, and fully capable of playing the game correctly, however she loves to say "YES" to anything you ask her & knows that she can answer the questions incorrectly or make up false information to be funny. Here is how her turn went:
Grace: I am thinking of an animal.
Me: Does it swim in the water?
G: No. It has a pink nose!
Collin: Does it live in the jungle?
Me: Is it a monkey?
G: No
Collin: Is it a tiger?
G: No. It has a pink nose!
Me: Does it have fur?
G: It has pink fur!
Me: I don't know any jungle animals with a pink nose and pink fur.
G: Its a pink kitty!!! (Laughing hysterically)
She cracks us up, just like her brother does :)
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
It's A Pink Kitty!!
Posted by Son and Julie at 10:36 PM 0 comments
In Collin's Words
While driving, I overheard this conversation that was taking place in the backseat:
Collin's loves to make up games & his most recent made-up game was called "Teenager", where he pretended to be a "Teenager" by running around like a wild man, playing air guitar, singing loudly, and asked if he could "get dressed crazy". I asked him how he knew what a teenager acted like and he said it was from the "Love You Forever" book...I think he nailed it :)

After school conversation:
Collin: Mommy, I had a rough day
Me: I am sorry sweetie, what happened?
C: What does a rough day mean?
Me: It means that bad things happened to you today
C: It was a rough day
Me: What happened?
C: We didn't go to the playground today
Me: Is that all?
C: Yes
LOL - that's a rough day for a kindergartner!
Posted by Son and Julie at 10:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Kindergarten Boy
How did I get to the point where I am taking my child school supply shopping...for elementary school?!? Wasn't it just yesterday that this was Collin James:
Posted by Son and Julie at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Half and Half
We were eating Shrimp Lo Mein for dinner and Collin was singing a made up song about Chinese noodles. Son asked Collin, "Do you know what you are? You are half Vietnamese."
Posted by Son and Julie at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 23, 2014
How Birth Order Is Determined - the scientific reason
Collin - mommy, do you know why I was born first before Grace?
Posted by Son and Julie at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
The Refining Pot
I always thought that I did pretty good handling God's tests. How arrogant of me.
We are selling our home and had been waiting 2 weeks for an answer that could impact us financially. I had been fine (or so I falsely believed). I was "trusting" in God to deliver the answer (the answer that I wanted).
Surely, if God had made it clear to us that we were to make this move that He would make it easy on us. But that isn't biblical thinking, there is no verse in the bible that says "If you do what I ask you to it will be easy". Not even close.
While at the pool with friends I received an email with the answer that we had been waiting for. However, it was the exact opposite answer from what we were hoping for. I was angry, no longer able to enjoy the morning, more harsh to my children than they deserved as we were packing to leave, and basically acting in a way that was the exact opposite of actually trusting in God.
After putting the kids in bed for naps I sat down to respond to this disappointing emailed answer. My Bible was next to the computer. In the rush to get ready for our fun day I had also neglected my quiet time this morning. I knew that my heart was not right, and I knew that the only thing that could change that was time with God. I pushed aside the computer and opened the quiet time book. One of the first verses I read:
"The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, but the LORD tests hearts." Proverbs 17:3
I had just failed a pretty simple test - in an epic way. I can "trust" God while waiting on an answer, but pretty much pitch a huge temper tantrum when I do not get the answer that I wanted. But my heart was wrong. My desire should be for God's answer, not my own.
But do you know what the best part is? That despite my failure, God still promises to work all things for good for those who love Him. And, despite my shortcomings and sinful nature, I do love God desperately, and deep down, I know that His plans are infinitely better than our own.
I am praying and pleading this verse today:
"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 52:10
Thank you God for using this day and this disappointment to teach me a truth about the contents of my heart. Please help me to have a renewed, right heart so that when it is tested, it is pleasing to You.
I can't wait for my kids to wake up so that I can sit down with them, apologize for my harshness, and read these verses to them and talk about the importance of the contents of our hearts.
Posted by Son and Julie at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Big Brother
This boy has such a heart for his little sister. He continually amazes me with how much he loves her and considers her in everything. Tonight at choir he earned two toys from the treasure chest and for one item he chose a ballerina toy that he knew Grace would love so that he could give it to her. This is not the first time that he has chosen to get a gift for her over a toy for himself. I could not be prouder, my heart is bursting ❤️
Posted by Son and Julie at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 27, 2014
In Collins Words
Collin: Mommy, when you get married, do you have to kiss the other person on the lips?
Posted by Son and Julie at 3:49 PM 0 comments